Dotec keg lifter

Dotec keg lifter

Dotec, a renowned name in the industry, is known for its innovative and efficient lifting solutions. Among our diverse range of products, our keg lifting equipment stand out for the unique design and functionality. The equipment is specifically engineered with a gripping hook that securely latches onto the rim of the keg. This design ensures a firm and safe grip on the keg, allowing it to be lifted and tilted with ease.


The keg lifter is designed with a gripping hook that grips the keg's rim, or with clamps on the outside. We are not just about lifting and moving; we are about handling safely and efficiently. The gripping hook design is a safer alternative than vacuum grippers, which can lose grip due to improper attachment or pressure loss. With the gripping hook, these issues are eliminated, ensuring the operator not to have to worry about losing the keg during the lifting or tilting process. This safety feature allows operators to perform their work more efficiently and securely.

Improve your lifting

Improve your lifting

The keg lifter can also be featured with outside clamps. These clamps create a secure and firm grip, with the possibility to rotate the keg 180 degrees without losing grip. The rotation gives the possibility to empty the keg or to rotate it upside down to clean it.


The intuitive design allows operators to control all functions with a simple touch of a finger, making it a user-friendly choice with a short learning curve. Regardless of the size of the kegs, the handlers secure effectively.


By allowing operators to lift and move kegs with ease, we help streamline the production process in for instants breweries and distribution centers. We reduce the physical strain on operators, allowing them to focus on the important tasks. With our lifting solutions, handling kegs becomes a smooth and ergonomic process.


Overall, our keg lifting equipment provides an efficient, ergonomic, and safe lifting solutions. By eliminating the risks associated with vacuum grippers and offering a user-friendly design, these devices are the perfect choice for breweries and distribution centers looking to enhance their productivity and ensure the safety of their operators.


"The operators feel much safer since they are using the Dotec Keg handler for handling full kegs"

- Little Creatures O'Conner, Australia

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The system

The system

Dotec LiftAssists have very specific characteristics that are based on ease of operation, speed of work and ergonomics. 




Depending on several factors,

the decision is made whether a rail system or a jib crane is most suitable for the process.


Why Dotec

Why Dotec

Dotec is your worldwide total supplier for customized handling solutions. We can solve your problem.